Review: A Past Revenge

A Past Revenge by Carole Mortimer My rating: 4 of 5 stars REVENGE!! There’s nothing quite like revenge when it goes off without a hitch… but that’s not what happens here. And she would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn’t been for those meddling feelings! Oh man, I haven’t had so much fun reading such angst-filled drama since… my last Carole Mortimer, I guess. I laughed, cried, barfed, cried again… it was better than Cats . SPOILERS GALORE , you silly rabbits. Once upon a time, a silly nineteen-year-old girl named Ellie Smith, straight out of finishing school and all, attended a grown-up society party of a rich girlfriend related to a very wealthy man called Nicholas Andracas , an embittered Greek man who had just received divorce papers from his whorish, devilish soon-to-be ex-wife and was currently indulging himself in the process of hating all women and girls. Because Nicholas Andracas was Greek and foreign and therefore Tall, Dark, Mysterious, and handsome, a...